California Love
Hey locals, we love you. Take some time and experience the best our city has to offer. Enjoy a preferred rate when you stay with us, and check in to a little treat: a JuneShine and a snack. Book your stay any Sunday to Thursday. Use code LOCAL.
Proof of California residency required at check-in. Offer is available only for reservations booked directly with the hotel. This booking is subject to availability and blackout dates. Cannot be combined with any other offer or applied to existing bookings.

More Specials

Ahead of the Pack
Book a room at Phoenix Hotel 14 days or more in advance and receive a discounted rate.

Stay a While
It's a double-edged sword of awesomeness: the longer you stay with us, the bigger your reward. Stay 3+ days and get 20% off your room rates.

You Say It’s Your Birthday
We want you to have the best birthday of all. Celebrate another trip around the sun with us, and we'll throw a little extra icing on the cake.