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Tour de 'Tini

Our trek of tinis is back! For the whole month of December, test your Tini-tolerance and make your martini consumption competitive. If you have a signature sip from Rocky’s, Summer House on Music Lane, Hotel San José, Carpenters Hall, and Equipment Room, you could win prizes!

You could make friends! You could consume many delicious cocktails!


Pick up a punchcard from any participating Bunkhouse drink dispensary
Get a stamp when you imbibe a featured martini at each Bunkhouse outlet from Sunday, December 1 to Tuesday, December 31.
Turn in your completed punch card with your name and email on the back at your last stop.
On January 3, we’ll select a winner and lavish them with gifts—including $50 credit at each participating location and exclusive, winner-only merch.
Double your pleasure: Snap a glamour shot of your tini, post it on IG, and tag the outlet and @bunkhousehotels and to multiply your odds.
Note: You do not need to consume all martinis in one sitting. Be smart.
tour de tini at carpenters hall